Photobucket Hellooo, my name is grace. And i'm azn. I like it LOL (: White, lost, hula-hoops, crazy. Have fun.

The Black Day Book: Any day can be a black day. These are days when you know you're a mere speck on the face of the earth, when you are no longer able to delude yourself that there is a point to it all. Life is a slog, and some days are beyond endurance. When you're stuck in traffic, the elements conspire against you, your flight is cancelled. You need to decide if you will let the world push you around, or if you will fight back.

Christopher Gardner: It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?

Christopher: Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"

Sunday, July 19, 2009 @ 8:11 AM

My 101TYs are like, out of order atm. I cbb LOL. i will and i must finish it. i will, i will, trust me, i will.. one day, but for now:

TO DANICA. I know you're selfconscious, but don't be. Who cares about them. They can go.. eat dirt LOL. You give me good songs and you're always a good friend i can trust. You worry a lot and idk why. Sometimes thats good though.. because unlike me, you prolly never forget assignments and stuff. I should be more like that. Happy now? haha

TO #ONE. I know you used to hate me and i used to hate you too LOL. But now we're good now and it's pretty awesome coz we understand each other, I think some people think we're retards. It's cool though. Fighting with you is FUNNY.

TO #TWO. You're so funny, man. It's like i'm related to you o___o It's funny when you talk like a mum. For your birthday, i'll give you something for your lost lost childhood.

TO #THREE. You're so young! It's cooool, i needa know more people like you. I bet that sometimes people wish they could be like you. I know i do. You're nice and generous coz you always let me borrow money (:

TO #FOUR. I have noooo idea how i know you. Like really, how o__o Idk, but you're one of my bestest friends. You're really generous and give the best birthday presents. You missed out on giving me birthday punches and for that, I thank you. Bcoz i would've died LOL. You're a tank, man. For sure.

TO #FIVE. You're always there for me when i'm being emo, which is probably every friday night. You make me feel loved and you're a funnyshit. Sometimes i don't reply to your texts.. and i really would, if i wasn't on credit. You know so much about me but not everything. I'm scared to tell you coz i don't want you to think shit of me, but dw.

TO #SIX. You swear a lot. But it's funny. I never knew a person like you could become so sad. You're one of the happiest people i know.. seriously. I love how your friends are and i wish i knew more people like them. I kinda feel like a stalker bcoz you tell me about them but they don't really know me. Cept for one, who told me she's stalking me LOL.

TO #SEVEN. I reckon i've only just met you but you're cool. You have serious hearing problems LOLLL and thanks for being aware of my.. whiteness. Sometimes, you talk about stuff i don't know about so i go away and have a cry. You always wait for me when i have to tie my shoelaces or something. It's cool that i know you.

TO #EIGHT. You're a NERD. Like full on, keep it up. You're cool and i reckon i only know one side of you. I try to talk to you but sometimes i can't say anything coz it's too crazy for me. LOL, i suck. You always help me with my homework and it's funny when you kinda crash/almost crash the car.

TO #NINE. You are one tall person. Everyone's so tall now o_o .. anyways, back to you. You're always helping people. You're so caring and loving. I want my future husband to be like you LOL... like how you do chores and stuff. Idk how you do it, coz i never do chores. You help me to be a better person and because of you, i actually tried to do my work. I can't remember if i did it or not though...

TO #TEN. I dont know you and you don't know me. So stop it. Leave me alone or you're really gonna get it. I know you pretend to be nice to me when you talk to me, which is like never but please, if you have to, say it to my face. Actually no, idk what i'd do if you did that LOL.
