Photobucket Hellooo, my name is grace. And i'm azn. I like it LOL (: White, lost, hula-hoops, crazy. Have fun.

The Black Day Book: Any day can be a black day. These are days when you know you're a mere speck on the face of the earth, when you are no longer able to delude yourself that there is a point to it all. Life is a slog, and some days are beyond endurance. When you're stuck in traffic, the elements conspire against you, your flight is cancelled. You need to decide if you will let the world push you around, or if you will fight back.

Christopher Gardner: It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?

Christopher: Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"

Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 6:43 PM

I sure do. because i'm missing you already :)

So, as you probably know, it was my bros party yesterday. It was fun hahaha. I cant really remember what happened coz i'm really tired right now but i can try so here: People started to come at around 10ish and i was just sitting there cutting.. potatoes ahahaha xD We had a LOT of food. Finished most of it, i think.

Anyway, the water fight was kinda weird at first coz it was just yr 9 vs. yr 6 but then thangs friends came out and it was heaps fun :D Hurlstone ftw haha. I got SOAKED! by water bombs, water pistols, buckets and also .. a bin. Thanks Ben. I got them back though. We almost ran out of towels LOL.

The jumping castle was FUNNNN. Luckily no one got hurt. I almost got crushed by Allen though.. that was scary. The jumping castle guy came at 9.30am and 11pm ish :D Thanks, jumping castle guy! I heard it was maximum eight 45kg people.. At one point, we had around 20 people on it LOL (Y)

We alsooo played Singstar. A LOT. Like, hours and hours of it. It was fun haha and also tiring.. I BEAT DANICA MWAHAHAHA. Oh, time to download some Glee songs. Oh, how i love Glee. Its so good. You should watch haha random. They should make a Glee singstar. I would soooo buy it.

That was mostly what we did the whole day. ALMOST 12 hr party woo! I really love my brothers' party.. Mainly because i get to see Thang's friends and how people are really nice. It feels like family. Idk if it'll be the same next year, seeing as they'll all have different universities to go to and stuff :( I hope we'll all be together again. I miss you guys. So much. I really really love you guys.

Wow, this is making me sad.. Anyway, back to summarising.. I kinda cbb. Heaps more happened, go to genevieve or wendy's blog for it LOL i'm sure they'll have something about it. Party ended and everyone that wasn't sleeping over went home. 6 of Thang's friends slept over. Umm, it was Chun, Adam, Allen, Thomas, Ben and Dylan. The jumping castle was still there so we all went on it. Some of them went crazy and tried to run on the walls and doing flips and stuff like that haha. The guy came and we all scattered! hahaha.

Went inside, ate dinner then went out to the living room. We played DDR! Haven't played that in ages. So many of Thang's friends are pro at DDR. Likeee David, Thomas & Adam haha i suck LOL. I didn't really play at first coz.. I'm shy LOL. But then they made me. So i did haha. I aced one on difficult so they made me go on expert and it was WTF! arrows everywhere! LOL I died in the first 20 seconds xD GOOD ENOUGH.

Allen was trying to solve the tetris cube. Nobody i know has ever solved that without cheating haha. Jackerlen and Yvy were trying to solve it before. I tried to solve it after Allen then i gave up and made Adam try solve it LOL. We all fail. What a team team team team team.

After that, we all played Tekken 6 in the dark. Chun was already asleep then Ben fell asleep on the couch and started snoring HAHA. Adam is very very good at Tekken LOL BUT I BEAT HIM! AHAHAHA by pressing random buttons :D Good fluke.

They started playing Gran Turismo (or whatever, I don't know how to spell it LOL) so some of us went out to the living room and played card games. I versed Adam in Speed and we both won a game each. Then me, Chun, Adam and Dylan played Snap :D Chun and Dylan had never played Snap before. I found that UNBELIEVABLE and shocking ahaha. I won ^^ I think they let me win..

By then, it was around 2.30AM! I had already decided that i wasn't going to school today so i didn't really care about sleep. Allen was funny :L He was like, Grace, if you don't solve that tetris cube.. then you cant go to school tomorrow! We also talked a bit about how the assemblies are so SHIT now. Coz of the stupid yr 11s running them. Frick, i do NOT like the next year prefects..

Oh yeah, then i went to sleep. I think they went into my room in the middle of the night and stole one of the blankets for Allen LOL. I forgot to turn my school day alarm off.. So i woke up at 7.30ish. I went downstairs and saw Allen sleeping on the ground in a pile of blankets. Chun was gone! I didn't get to say bye, troi oi. Thang, Adam and Thomas were sitting on the couches watching some high 5 copy cat show LOL. Ben was still sleeping (Man, he slept a lot). I asked them if they got any sleep. Yes, yes they did get sleep. Around 3 and a half hours of it LOL. Pro. We watched Sesame Street. It was actually kinda weird haha. The letter of the day was F and the number of the day was 6.. just in case you wanted to know :)

After breakfast and Sesame Street, we all went to play Monopoly. Ben was still sleeping. I don't know how to play Monopoly and had like the worst luck ever LOL. I went to jail like 4 times LOL and the chance and community chest cards kept making me pay people! Ben finally woke up.. at 10.40, i think. I was pretty sure i'd go bankrupt first.. but i didn't O_O Thomas did haha. We took 2 hrs to finish the game btw. Allen or Adam won, i can't remember. Thomas kept getting their names mixed up.. wth, Thomas? you've known them for HOW LONG? LOL.

Adam was gonna go home. Like, walk 40 mins to the train station. Everyone said bye and he left.. only to come back around 5 mins later because he got to the main road and didn't know where to go HAHAHA.
I can't remember what exactly happened after and like the order they happened lol but Thang drove Adam, Allen and Ben to the station and they went home. Thomas and Dylan left some time after. Thanks for being so awesome, guys :)

Yep, so that's what happened. That was really summarised lol.
Thanks everyone for coming! :) Thanks all Thang, Andrew, Michael and my friends for coming. You guys made it the best. I'm so happy about the party. I had soo much fun and i hope you did too. I made new friends.. people that i would've never talked to otherwise. I really need you guys :) You make me so happy and i loveeee youuu :D

Thank you so much! I wanna see yo face here this time next year! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU TIMES A MILLION GAZILLION ! To the ex-hurlstoners, i'm gonna miss you guys so much, i already do.. and i wish you all the best for the future, uni, stuff, everything :). We will sing the Hurlstone school song after we sing Happy Birthday EVERY SINGLE YEAR. AND I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT AHAHA.

Love you guys, Miss you guys, Thanks you guys.
See you all next year.
Till then, be happy, fun and ..don't forget me LOL coz i won't EVER! forget you!
:) So happy, ♥
Bye ♥

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