Hellooo, my name is grace.
And i'm azn. I like it LOL (:
White, lost, hula-hoops, crazy.
Have fun.
The Black Day Book: Any day can be a black day. These are days when you know you're a mere speck on the face of the earth, when you are no longer able to delude yourself that there is a point to it all. Life is a slog, and some days are beyond endurance. When you're stuck in traffic, the elements conspire against you, your flight is cancelled. You need to decide if you will let the world push you around, or if you will fight back.
Christopher Gardner: It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?
Christopher: Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"
Clockwise: 1. Liza &me, 2. V, 3. Me, 4. Me, 5. V, me, Liza, G somewhere, 6. Me.
I planned to do my english speech today, but couldn't :( coz too many volunteers, i didn't get a chance. We were all ready, even had an order to go in, but other people.. spoil our fun LOL. Go thai and his pom-poms hahaha. Pro boi. I think the order was like Thai, Lawrence, Me, Shadman, Alex? with like Jonathan, Andy, Brendon somewhere in between LOL. I can't remember (:
So, today's Wednesday, yeah? We had sport. Me, G, V & Liza jigged sport LOL. (h) School sport sucks lol. Anyways, i was standing there and vanessa freaken crept up behind me with big eyes and like her little azn girl's haircut, so i was like AHHHHH!!! YOU LOOK LIKE AN ALIEN! HOLY CRAP... ><
Then we all walked past boys toilet like.. on that road thingo. Then V's like i'm gonna put that alien thing on my blog. I was drinking water and my bag was open. I full cracked up and spat my water out. It was uncontrollable LOL. The water got on Liza and the ground >< Sorry Liza! It was mostly on the ground though. My diary then decided to fall out of my bag... into the little puddle of water i just spat out.. great LOL. We also took heaps of photos lying on the grass, and in the toilet LOL.
When i got into the car to go home, i realised that my ribena exploded in my bag. My bag's outside drying atm.
Okay, i just realised that if my neighbour looked out the window RIGHT NOW, she could see me. I'll never open those blinds ever again.
Shadman! Shadman! Shadman! Get better soon, you tank (:
Yups, and that's the story of today. The bomb. LOL. It was fun ^^ Good night boiz and girls.
Labels: friends, photo/s, School, sport
Clockwise: 1. Liza &me, 2. V, 3. Me, 4. Me, 5. V, me, Liza, G somewhere, 6. Me.
I planned to do my english speech today, but couldn't :( coz too many volunteers, i didn't get a chance. We were all ready, even had an order to go in, but other people.. spoil our fun LOL. Go thai and his pom-poms hahaha. Pro boi. I think the order was like Thai, Lawrence, Me, Shadman, Alex? with like Jonathan, Andy, Brendon somewhere in between LOL. I can't remember (:
So, today's Wednesday, yeah? We had sport. Me, G, V & Liza jigged sport LOL. (h) School sport sucks lol. Anyways, i was standing there and vanessa freaken crept up behind me with big eyes and like her little azn girl's haircut, so i was like AHHHHH!!! YOU LOOK LIKE AN ALIEN! HOLY CRAP... ><
Then we all walked past boys toilet like.. on that road thingo. Then V's like i'm gonna put that alien thing on my blog. I was drinking water and my bag was open. I full cracked up and spat my water out. It was uncontrollable LOL. The water got on Liza and the ground >< Sorry Liza! It was mostly on the ground though. My diary then decided to fall out of my bag... into the little puddle of water i just spat out.. great LOL. We also took heaps of photos lying on the grass, and in the toilet LOL.
When i got into the car to go home, i realised that my ribena exploded in my bag. My bag's outside drying atm.
Okay, i just realised that if my neighbour looked out the window RIGHT NOW, she could see me. I'll never open those blinds ever again.
Shadman! Shadman! Shadman! Get better soon, you tank (:
Yups, and that's the story of today. The bomb. LOL. It was fun ^^ Good night boiz and girls.
Labels: friends, photo/s, School, sport
Hellooooo, Welcome to grace's archives.
By post:
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July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
{ 14 July 2009 }
{ 20 July 2009 )
Erm.. hi ^^
Well, Vanessa and stuff told me to make this blog. So i did. I'm grace. and Oh. My. Gosh. I suck at this HTML stuff. Spent all morning + afternoon on this. WTF. Killing my eyes, man. Takes forever too. Umm... profile uhhh.. I'm 162 cm tall now :D ! i measured yesterday (:
I love my friends, coffee, family, spongebob, nature, music, jack johnson, motivational posters, scrubs, how i met your mother, and God. I hula-hoop and do stomach crunches/sit ups every day. I've never fainted, I like shopping, random birthday presents and i dye my hair too much. I'd talk to you but some people are just weird so i might not. I don't know why but randoms talk to me a lot and I don't really mind. I love God. I love my dogs: Lucky and Snowy. Lucky's my bestest bestest friend in the whole wide world and Snowy's his neice. They're bffl. It's cool (:
Also! I like it a lot when people make me feel loved. It's the best.
I'm not stupid.
Everything happens for a reason.
Yeah, thats all LOL.. for now.
I'm a lot better at HTML now.
Just letting you know (:
Grace / Lostie / Lucky / Tank