Photobucket Hellooo, my name is grace. And i'm azn. I like it LOL (: White, lost, hula-hoops, crazy. Have fun.

The Black Day Book: Any day can be a black day. These are days when you know you're a mere speck on the face of the earth, when you are no longer able to delude yourself that there is a point to it all. Life is a slog, and some days are beyond endurance. When you're stuck in traffic, the elements conspire against you, your flight is cancelled. You need to decide if you will let the world push you around, or if you will fight back.

Christopher Gardner: It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?

Christopher: Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"

Monday, November 30, 2009 @ 11:54 PM

Yep, i'm joining in too LOL.
So, let's see.. 2009..

1. I've realised that i need people - LOL like, my friends. A lot. Like that time in maths when i was stupid and didn't know jack so everyone was trying to teach me during maths and even through lunch. That was really nice. I made a close friend. He became a bitch LOL. Goodbye close friend. Hello freedom. What a waste of my time, huh. Damn.

2. I love people LOL - I've met so many new people this year. Eg. all the new kids in our grade, random people from our grade, people from yr 12, awesome substitute tutors with the most amazing eyes and yeah.. just people. Gotta love them people. OR SHOULD I SAY 'PPL'.

3. My hair - Hmm, i think this might apply to every year's reflection haha. Well, it's black atm. It's been maybe 2 years? since its been black. That's cool, right? But heyyy! there's gotta be a ranga asian in our grade. Lemme think... this year, it's been from half black half red to ranga to black and purple to brown and pink [ coz it faded :( ] to reddish purple to black. The end LOL. The end for a while :)

4. SELF CONFIDENCE - My self confidence SUCKS. Well, for most of the year it did. Until camp, that is.. which was the first time i wore short shorts in prolly almost a whole year.. I know, how crazy. And when i wore them i walked out like holy crap don't look at me D: but then Margaret and Genevieve and stuff were like YOU LOOK NICE! AND HEAPS TALL TOO! so i was like NGAWWWW THANK YOU haha. Thanks so much guys. I can wear short shorts now ^^. Btw, i'm still the same height as the beginning of the year. I WANT MY GROWTH SPURT!

5. More about friends - Me and Genevieve are best friends now. I was best friends with Vivian before. Haha, how primary school is this :L And then! I didn't even have a best friend. Farr, worst experience of my life LOL. And all because Genevieve became some sort of lesbian with 'i won't say who' LOL. Sorry, Genevieve.

6. Boys - From our grade are still kinda boring in 'that' way. Sorry. Other than that, they're very cool LOLL. Became friends with them, made bets that i'll probably lose to and yeah. Oh yeah, my late train people. Train timetable changed so now i can't catch the train with Simon B, Kenny and.. those other people LOL. Kinda sucks..

SO! Overall, good-ish year. I'm still "tank". Style hasn't changed much.. well, i don't think it has. I'm still me. I try to be myself and not like copy people haha. I think i've kinda mentally grown up a bit. Like, the way i think and how i appreciate things more now. The people that i've met in this past year are really awesome. I just love them more and more every time i get to talk to them, see them and hang out with them. It's been supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [wth does that actually mean?].

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