Photobucket Hellooo, my name is grace. And i'm azn. I like it LOL (: White, lost, hula-hoops, crazy. Have fun.

The Black Day Book: Any day can be a black day. These are days when you know you're a mere speck on the face of the earth, when you are no longer able to delude yourself that there is a point to it all. Life is a slog, and some days are beyond endurance. When you're stuck in traffic, the elements conspire against you, your flight is cancelled. You need to decide if you will let the world push you around, or if you will fight back.

Christopher Gardner: It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?

Christopher: Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"

Monday, November 30, 2009 @ 11:54 PM

Yep, i'm joining in too LOL.
So, let's see.. 2009..

1. I've realised that i need people - LOL like, my friends. A lot. Like that time in maths when i was stupid and didn't know jack so everyone was trying to teach me during maths and even through lunch. That was really nice. I made a close friend. He became a bitch LOL. Goodbye close friend. Hello freedom. What a waste of my time, huh. Damn.

2. I love people LOL - I've met so many new people this year. Eg. all the new kids in our grade, random people from our grade, people from yr 12, awesome substitute tutors with the most amazing eyes and yeah.. just people. Gotta love them people. OR SHOULD I SAY 'PPL'.

3. My hair - Hmm, i think this might apply to every year's reflection haha. Well, it's black atm. It's been maybe 2 years? since its been black. That's cool, right? But heyyy! there's gotta be a ranga asian in our grade. Lemme think... this year, it's been from half black half red to ranga to black and purple to brown and pink [ coz it faded :( ] to reddish purple to black. The end LOL. The end for a while :)

4. SELF CONFIDENCE - My self confidence SUCKS. Well, for most of the year it did. Until camp, that is.. which was the first time i wore short shorts in prolly almost a whole year.. I know, how crazy. And when i wore them i walked out like holy crap don't look at me D: but then Margaret and Genevieve and stuff were like YOU LOOK NICE! AND HEAPS TALL TOO! so i was like NGAWWWW THANK YOU haha. Thanks so much guys. I can wear short shorts now ^^. Btw, i'm still the same height as the beginning of the year. I WANT MY GROWTH SPURT!

5. More about friends - Me and Genevieve are best friends now. I was best friends with Vivian before. Haha, how primary school is this :L And then! I didn't even have a best friend. Farr, worst experience of my life LOL. And all because Genevieve became some sort of lesbian with 'i won't say who' LOL. Sorry, Genevieve.

6. Boys - From our grade are still kinda boring in 'that' way. Sorry. Other than that, they're very cool LOLL. Became friends with them, made bets that i'll probably lose to and yeah. Oh yeah, my late train people. Train timetable changed so now i can't catch the train with Simon B, Kenny and.. those other people LOL. Kinda sucks..

SO! Overall, good-ish year. I'm still "tank". Style hasn't changed much.. well, i don't think it has. I'm still me. I try to be myself and not like copy people haha. I think i've kinda mentally grown up a bit. Like, the way i think and how i appreciate things more now. The people that i've met in this past year are really awesome. I just love them more and more every time i get to talk to them, see them and hang out with them. It's been supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [wth does that actually mean?].

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Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 6:43 PM

I sure do. because i'm missing you already :)

So, as you probably know, it was my bros party yesterday. It was fun hahaha. I cant really remember what happened coz i'm really tired right now but i can try so here: People started to come at around 10ish and i was just sitting there cutting.. potatoes ahahaha xD We had a LOT of food. Finished most of it, i think.

Anyway, the water fight was kinda weird at first coz it was just yr 9 vs. yr 6 but then thangs friends came out and it was heaps fun :D Hurlstone ftw haha. I got SOAKED! by water bombs, water pistols, buckets and also .. a bin. Thanks Ben. I got them back though. We almost ran out of towels LOL.

The jumping castle was FUNNNN. Luckily no one got hurt. I almost got crushed by Allen though.. that was scary. The jumping castle guy came at 9.30am and 11pm ish :D Thanks, jumping castle guy! I heard it was maximum eight 45kg people.. At one point, we had around 20 people on it LOL (Y)

We alsooo played Singstar. A LOT. Like, hours and hours of it. It was fun haha and also tiring.. I BEAT DANICA MWAHAHAHA. Oh, time to download some Glee songs. Oh, how i love Glee. Its so good. You should watch haha random. They should make a Glee singstar. I would soooo buy it.

That was mostly what we did the whole day. ALMOST 12 hr party woo! I really love my brothers' party.. Mainly because i get to see Thang's friends and how people are really nice. It feels like family. Idk if it'll be the same next year, seeing as they'll all have different universities to go to and stuff :( I hope we'll all be together again. I miss you guys. So much. I really really love you guys.

Wow, this is making me sad.. Anyway, back to summarising.. I kinda cbb. Heaps more happened, go to genevieve or wendy's blog for it LOL i'm sure they'll have something about it. Party ended and everyone that wasn't sleeping over went home. 6 of Thang's friends slept over. Umm, it was Chun, Adam, Allen, Thomas, Ben and Dylan. The jumping castle was still there so we all went on it. Some of them went crazy and tried to run on the walls and doing flips and stuff like that haha. The guy came and we all scattered! hahaha.

Went inside, ate dinner then went out to the living room. We played DDR! Haven't played that in ages. So many of Thang's friends are pro at DDR. Likeee David, Thomas & Adam haha i suck LOL. I didn't really play at first coz.. I'm shy LOL. But then they made me. So i did haha. I aced one on difficult so they made me go on expert and it was WTF! arrows everywhere! LOL I died in the first 20 seconds xD GOOD ENOUGH.

Allen was trying to solve the tetris cube. Nobody i know has ever solved that without cheating haha. Jackerlen and Yvy were trying to solve it before. I tried to solve it after Allen then i gave up and made Adam try solve it LOL. We all fail. What a team team team team team.

After that, we all played Tekken 6 in the dark. Chun was already asleep then Ben fell asleep on the couch and started snoring HAHA. Adam is very very good at Tekken LOL BUT I BEAT HIM! AHAHAHA by pressing random buttons :D Good fluke.

They started playing Gran Turismo (or whatever, I don't know how to spell it LOL) so some of us went out to the living room and played card games. I versed Adam in Speed and we both won a game each. Then me, Chun, Adam and Dylan played Snap :D Chun and Dylan had never played Snap before. I found that UNBELIEVABLE and shocking ahaha. I won ^^ I think they let me win..

By then, it was around 2.30AM! I had already decided that i wasn't going to school today so i didn't really care about sleep. Allen was funny :L He was like, Grace, if you don't solve that tetris cube.. then you cant go to school tomorrow! We also talked a bit about how the assemblies are so SHIT now. Coz of the stupid yr 11s running them. Frick, i do NOT like the next year prefects..

Oh yeah, then i went to sleep. I think they went into my room in the middle of the night and stole one of the blankets for Allen LOL. I forgot to turn my school day alarm off.. So i woke up at 7.30ish. I went downstairs and saw Allen sleeping on the ground in a pile of blankets. Chun was gone! I didn't get to say bye, troi oi. Thang, Adam and Thomas were sitting on the couches watching some high 5 copy cat show LOL. Ben was still sleeping (Man, he slept a lot). I asked them if they got any sleep. Yes, yes they did get sleep. Around 3 and a half hours of it LOL. Pro. We watched Sesame Street. It was actually kinda weird haha. The letter of the day was F and the number of the day was 6.. just in case you wanted to know :)

After breakfast and Sesame Street, we all went to play Monopoly. Ben was still sleeping. I don't know how to play Monopoly and had like the worst luck ever LOL. I went to jail like 4 times LOL and the chance and community chest cards kept making me pay people! Ben finally woke up.. at 10.40, i think. I was pretty sure i'd go bankrupt first.. but i didn't O_O Thomas did haha. We took 2 hrs to finish the game btw. Allen or Adam won, i can't remember. Thomas kept getting their names mixed up.. wth, Thomas? you've known them for HOW LONG? LOL.

Adam was gonna go home. Like, walk 40 mins to the train station. Everyone said bye and he left.. only to come back around 5 mins later because he got to the main road and didn't know where to go HAHAHA.
I can't remember what exactly happened after and like the order they happened lol but Thang drove Adam, Allen and Ben to the station and they went home. Thomas and Dylan left some time after. Thanks for being so awesome, guys :)

Yep, so that's what happened. That was really summarised lol.
Thanks everyone for coming! :) Thanks all Thang, Andrew, Michael and my friends for coming. You guys made it the best. I'm so happy about the party. I had soo much fun and i hope you did too. I made new friends.. people that i would've never talked to otherwise. I really need you guys :) You make me so happy and i loveeee youuu :D

Thank you so much! I wanna see yo face here this time next year! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU TIMES A MILLION GAZILLION ! To the ex-hurlstoners, i'm gonna miss you guys so much, i already do.. and i wish you all the best for the future, uni, stuff, everything :). We will sing the Hurlstone school song after we sing Happy Birthday EVERY SINGLE YEAR. AND I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT AHAHA.

Love you guys, Miss you guys, Thanks you guys.
See you all next year.
Till then, be happy, fun and ..don't forget me LOL coz i won't EVER! forget you!
:) So happy, ♥
Bye ♥

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Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 5:03 PM

1. Sushi Platters
2. Pasta: Cannelloni
3. Fried rice
4. Salt & pepper squid
5. Chips
6. Potato salad
7. Veg & bean salad
8. Asian goi salad thingy
9. Chicken conji
10. BBQ!

11. Chicken wings
12. Spinach and ricotta bread dip thingo.
13. Fruit
14. Bday cake/s

1. Fruit punch
2. Soft drinks
3. Beer. Not for us though :)



Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 3:20 AM

cant blog atm. hurting. too too full. arms hurting as i type this.
1.need to pacj
2. laser/bowling/shorts
i'll blog afetr camp. Cya later love grace


Saturday, November 21, 2009 @ 3:09 AM

i think this photo is awesome LOL but where'd genevieve/mitchell go?

=D Today was SOOOO FUN. All you people that didn't go coz you were "busy" missed out. Ha. Ha :P Yep, soo time to blog about it ^^ Genevieve style. Dot points, man LOL xD

1. CAPITOL CITY! - My first time everrr. We went up the elevator and my first thought was "holy crap crap crap, it's like Pokemon" LOL. It was all nice and air conned too ^^. First, we ran around into all the photo booths trying to pick out which one to go to. Haha, we ended up going to the one that sang 'Under The Sea' asian style LOL. Oh man, we were FULL SCREAMING and shuffling around coz the machine takes its photos so damn quickly ahaha. Likeee -takes photo- AHHH!!! CHANGE SPOTSS!!!!. Yep, sooo fun. Then me and Liza were trying to edit some photos and since it was our first time there, we didnt know JACK ROFL. I was like GENEVIEVE! YOU EDIT THIS, WENDY, YOU EDIT THE OTHER ONE! Mm, in the end.. Me and Liza ended up editing them pretty good.. You can see in my wallet if you want :L THEY MADE OUR EYES ALL DARK! SO WEIRDDD... ALSO! I AM SO WHITE! O_O
Nowww, to those evil crane machines. Mitchell got a tofu toy on his FIRST GO.. $2 man. So i was full pumped! and i tried to get a tofu plush toy too buttt after many many many $2 tries. I got NOTHING and mitchell ended up winning me an ice cream toy coin purse thing :L It's pretty cute. Damn you crane machines.. Damn You.

After winning just about nothing and watching other people win heaps, we all got really depressed and sat down in the middle of the walkway LOL. Really sad moment :( .. The security guard told us very nicely to gtfo LOL. He was cool, i reckon ahaha.

I roar like a dinosaur.

2. KARAOKEEE! - Okay, this was ze bombbb. Smelt like cigarettes when we walked in though. The room smelt better LOL (Y). It was sooo hot and there was only a little vent so i just stood under it with one foot on the table and one foot on the tv stand. I think i got laughed at... Anywayyy, we sang stufff. English and korean bahahah :D Somehow, some random chink songs got into the list and we were all like what the efff? WHO DID THAT :@. Overall, very fun. Vanessa put toxic 3 times IN A ROW ROFL.
3. MACCAS - We had a fries party. I ate chip xD coz i'm trying to ..fitten up LOL. We saw some backpackers. Backpackers are frkn awesome yknow, like.. they use their life very well haha. I also spotted some pickles on the wall next to Genevieve ROFL. Looks like someone had a pickle race. Also spotted ketchup on the wall behind Genevieve ROFL YOU SO DIRTY, GENEVIEVE!
4. WE WENT SHOPPING SOMEWHERE NEXT TO CAPS (yes, idk what the place is called) - MITCHELL GOT ONITSUKAS FOR 20 TROI OI! Mannn, i got so ripped off with my adidas ectasys :( I got them full price for 200 :( THOMSON GOT THEM FOR 100 ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Yeah. Mitchell was lucky today. He got so much.. I'm jealous. Like, i was meant to get a top, shorts and shoes. I got an ice cream coin purse (Y). Oh yeah, Liza got 2 sunnies! a black and a white one. 2 for 20. So she sold me the white one for 10 ^^ TY LIZA! I saw Mr Yates. I told everyone else so we chased him ROFL and we told him to come back to hurlstone. He said something about coming back justtt for us ;) ahaha Love him. He taught us how to make drugs. And he thought we were already out of school. As in OUT of school. As in yr 12+ LOL. I love my explaining.

5. GENS BLOG LOL - Yeah, if you read Gen's blog.. true Chinks from Chinkland TT" Please. Stop eating live fish and skinning pretty fluffly live dogs and raccoons. In fact, please go vegetarian. Like, i love Aus Chinks.. but what the eff is the point of shoving a needle into a bear, getting its bile and DRINKING IT. Dude, you festy. Stop.

6. PARK! - Hey, I didn't know we missed our train.. Well, we did so we went to the park and took photos. Idk why but grass really stings now LOL Like, i feel it cutting into my legs.. omgsh, the cherry seed on my desk atm.. I THOUGHT IT WAS A PEANUT! Getting off topic. Okay, umm, the park. We shared the caps photos around ^^ Man, i skip this, its taking too long to blog about.

I like this photo coz i think i look cool LOL

7. TRAIN HOME - We bitched. ROFL. Not really.. we DISCUSSED things. Like ..okay, we didn't bitch. Don't judge us :) Yeah.. we talked about a lot of stuff. We're trying to help our friends but sometimes, they just don't listen to us :/ I think people were listening to us..

Ahh, so thats pretty much the day. I'm glad i went :D I love you guysss!!!! Wendy, Liza, Vanessa, Mitchell and Genevieve :D We can be friends FO EVAAAA :D :D :D


I rate today 9.99/10 ^^ . Yeah, it doesn't get 10 because OF THE DAMN HEAT! Other than that, 10/10 :D (L)! Thanks so much for this outing, Wendy. It was awesome, and all of us, i think, are closer now ^^. So it's cooool :)
All photos from Wendy's blog btw. I think we all look very cute ^^

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Thursday, November 19, 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Ngawww, you cuties sho cute!

You guys are breaking my heart. PLEASEEEE let me change the list. ONE TINY LIL DETAIL of it. Pleasee :)

Haha, you're all so funny. Love yous :D I've been having so much fun lately :L It's cooool :) Gotten to know more people as well. I have new friends! bahahaha. Also gotten closer to my old friends. Its cool :)

Okay, so today was REALLY hotttt. At lunch, we were talking about the list again. I am so hilarious LOL -cough cough- We started smelling newspaper that i ripped out from english LOL. Yeah, shush, we're not retarded. It just smelt really nice so suck that, you missed out xD LOL. Mm, yknow the coffee newspaper? you might've seen it before but man, it is YUMMY! I want to buy a bag of coffee beans just so i can put it on my desk and sniff it! ROFL :)

We ended up having a nice water fight. It was goood, coz troi oi, soo bloody hot LOL what is wrong with this weather! Well, i got SOAKEDDDD hahahaha Ty Thomson. He got soaked as well. I tried to get Kenny and he got pissed at me and tried to kill me when i was refilling HAHA. Kabir was eating an ice block (i think) so i started pouring water on him so he could cool off :L then more people started pouring water on him and he got soaked too LOL. Lucky they didnt get my phone/truong books wet or i wouldve cried..

Early finishh. I was scared so i just went home. Did all my tutor homework and plan to study my ass off later for logs. I hope i do good coz my name needs to be on the first column on the board! D: i've been doing soo badly in tests for the last few months.. Wth happenedddd :S

Omgshhhh fark i feel like such a bitch atm... Coz i asked my mum if i could go to CT for wendys and she thought i was asking if i could jig and she full put up an argument and i was full saying all this stuff in my in your face argument voice :( and she was just confused coz she thought i meant going on a school day :( Gahhh, i'll make it up to her later :S :( I'm sorry, mum.



Wednesday, November 18, 2009 @ 9:57 PM

I like bets. But i think i'll lose a lot LOL. Right now, i have a one year, $5 bet with Kabir and a two 10 year, $100 bets with kenny.

I want to win. At least 2 of them. Kenny can have the other $100 so we'll be even haha. Love you guys.

Yeah, and as you know, today in maths, i made a list! There's a good side and a bad side. I scanned it but it goes all pixelated on blogger so :( for me/you. It's a list for MY perfect/worst guy LOL. And yeah, he doesn't have to be perfect to everyone but mm, i have to think he is ^^ And KENNY, I WILL FIND HIM! and he will find me and one day, we will go to the park and he will teach me how to play the ukulele and i will love him.

I know, i know, i'm crazy LOL. And i want my hundred dollars. I'll be 24 by then. I REALLY hope i win. Btw, if you wanna see the list, just ask me. ALSO! party party party. More invites out tomorrow. Crash it and i kill you, i promise. REMEMBER TO RSVP ME, MAN! coz gotta buy heaps of stuff! and think of stuff to make :D

...Gahh, 21 year olds.



Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @ 10:45 PM

Okay, so i don't remember ALL those things, but hell, i miss 2000. Do you remember when you used to wake up early to go watch cartoons on Cheez TV? And the one A4 sheet a week homework? Hell, i miss it. Everything is so crap now.. skinning live animals, bear farms, pollution, global warming, terrorists, miley cyrus. What happened? Even the Cookie Monster is gone. Kids don't even go outside and run around anymore. Not even on Sesame Street.

I'm pretty sure the world won't end in 2012, but look at what's going on. Everything is pretty much heading in that direction. This world is slowly killing itself. And i dont like it.

We should be like Singapore. Those guys are ..neat LOL (Y).

I think we are the last generation to have all the fun stuff. It's almost all gone. Okay, i'll be normal now :D ..

Hi! It's almost camp. I dont know if i want to go.. It doesn't seem that good but it BETTER be. Coz i'm skipping out on tutor and losing money from it. At least i get to go camp shopping :D

I'm really scared of doing the logs test. Seriouslyyy ><>< coz i'm gonna need it like crazy. I don't want to fail. Esp. not on this topic.
Do you guys think about the future? I do. A lot. I wonder what I would be like in 10 years. I want to have all black hair LOL. But most of all i want to be happy about myself and what i've done. as in career, life, love, contribution to society [LOL], whatever :) I hope i'll be happy happy person. When i was little, i wanted to open a candy store/be a vet. Yeah, weird.. LOL. I don't think i'll be able to do any of those :( Maybe the first one, but def. not the 2nd. Coz cows and pigs SMELLLL. TY HAHS.

Anyway, take care, have fun.
Love, Grace/VVGGG :D



Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 9:32 PM

I, for one, think whoever did this is a bloody genius.
I want my artwork to be like that. But the cut out in handwriting, not font font.

Sooo, i heard my class came 1st/2nd overall in science o_o Fascinating.. given the fact that we don't do ANY work and just sit there and be stoners and retards every science lesson.

Like today's lesson, the whole class started doing the wiggles thing LOL like.. where they ..wiggle their hands around.. er, yeah. NOBODY likes the new yellow wiggle, Sam Moran (I think, i cbb to check :) Everyone misses Greg :( I miss Greg :(


I sat with Thai today. Idk. He's my therapist (Y) and my not-best-friend xD We didn't do anything in Ag, so we played cards and arm wrestled. I owned in playing snap. Mainly coz snap, speed and sollitaire are the only card games i know how to play LOL yeah. Asian shame right there.
Hmmm.. what else..

Oh yeah!!! We have a new art project! :O I'm so excited ahahaha. We have around 2 weeks to do ANYTHING we want ^^ I'm gonna do some photography :D and try to.. INSPIRE PEOPLE ROFL xD The best thing about this is that it doesnt even count towards anything so yayerrrsss.

I should probably start doing my truongs homework. But i sooo cbb! It's ONLY 2 questions. I think i'll just BS the answers in class :) Something smells. Smells like onions. Okay, not anymore.


Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 9:37 PM

I want to be cool as this old guy when i'm that old :)

Eyyyy. We didn't have a logs test today. It's next week. But me and V will do the test the week after coz we have to go to Wendys city birthday thingymabob. I will NEVER forget conditions again. Mr Nguyen! ^^ should be happy LOL...

Anyway, i realise that my parents raise their kids to become very hippie and environmentally aware. Like, if theres some nature show on, they'll call us to come watch it. Omgsh, i love them sooo much. I wonder what i'd be like if they didn't do that..
(zomg luv luv luv)

I love being a save water, turn off that light kind of person. In fact, i think you should join me LOL :) If only i could go vego.. I tried it for a day. It was soooo hard, mainly coz there was a sausage sizzle on at school. Bad timing much.

Something kerazyy happened today. At truongs, i wanted to eat peking duck like SOOO badly. Came home. Guess what i just ate? :) I feel like a psychic! coz of stuff like that and alsoo... my extremely violent dreams LOL.. They kinda tell me whats gonna happen the next day/week/whatever. But without the violence haha.

Ahhh. I'm so full. Didn't get to exercise yesterday. Too much truongs homework. What a shame :( but at least i didn't eat much. Which is good in a way. I think i'm unhealthy :S

I wanna go shopping :S I wanna join in and buy a lion beanie. Yes, a lion beanie. They better have one somewhere :D


Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 10:41 PM

This is how you make me feel. Awesome.

Today, i realised how much i need my friends.


Thank you to Genevieve, Alan, Margaret, Kenny and Vivian! You guys helped me learn common denominators [LOL dumdum, shush, i got it after like one and a half hours] today. And you didn't even give up when i cried. Seriously, i thought you would give up on me but you didn't and i'm like fully thankful for that :) You all actually helped me a LOT with your own ways of solving it and stuff. You even helped me after at lunch. I love you guys so so much. Idk what i'd be without you haha. Like fully emo dumbshit probably LOL

You made my day :) So, thank you. Vivian gave me a full A4 sheet of paper explaining EVERYTHING. I'm keeping that paper FO EVA!!!! LOL :D

Yeah, i know it was just learning something really stupid.. but it means a lot to me.

Thank you to Yvy and Lawrence for making me laugh on the train. Lawrence was saying something about me and mafia LOL! And to Thai and Kabir for always being there for me :) You guys are the best. Even though THAI says he is not my best friend and is Genevieve's. I am so jealous.

Kabir bet me $5 about ..some personal issues LOL i have a feeling i will win horribly or lose very happily. So, i dont really know if i want to win or lose. How sad.

BTW! DONT USE EARPHONES, USE HEADPHONES INSTEAD! I'm like ..i have the worst hearing in my class :( I cant hear anything above 15.5 ..something. Its like the high frequency sound. Please learn from my mistakes LOL Save yourself before its too late.

I think i'll actually finish my 101TYS this year. I'll try.

Cya guys :) ♥



Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 9:51 PM

I just want to be happy again.
You are a pathetic, backstabbing, lying, two faced bitch.
I thought we were friends. Apparently not.
You know who you are and i know whats going on. I know. So fuck you. I can't believe i thought you were better than you are. Coz you're not, and you'll never be. You're a liar and everything you ever said about yourself or anything was BS. You're not nice. You are pretty much the opposite.

If i could take back all the good times we had, I would. Coz i hate what you did to me and i'm never letting you back into my life ever again. You wasted at least 7 months of my life and you're never gonna get a second chance.

Today, i just wanted to punch you right in the face. I want you to get so pissed off at me that you'll hit me so then i can bash the shit out of you. You piss me off and i dont even know how someone could do that to one of their closest friends. You have no feelings and you don't care about anyone else but yourself.

I know what's happening, so don't you try and lie to me one more time because i WILL find out. Word gets round and when i find out, you better not get in my way. I hope you're happy with what you've achieved here. But one day, i might just crack and go plunge a knife into your back. So, baby, you better watch it.

I don't really hate you.. but you piss me off so much that in the moment, i do. I don't want to hate you but you're kind of making me. But hey, I want to destroy you.

Also, don't stare at me. You've taught me how to be a better bitch.

Hi. Sorry about that LOL. Just.. getting feelings out :) From now on, I'm gonna try to ignore all the shit thats happening and get on with life. Just gonna try and be happy. There's more to life than that. Nobody ever died from a broken heart. And wtf, i didn't even like him LOL. So i guess things could be a lot worse.

Today was a pretty avg day. But if you take out everything that happened between me and him, it would be a heaps good day. We laughed at the lady with the monobrow in art and i got my arm crushed by Liza's butt.

Alsooo, me and Margaret are attempting to lose weight LOL. I wanna lose 3 kgs and she wants to lose 5. Yeah, i know thats bad, but hey, its my life LOL and it'll make me feel a lot better about myself too xD.. :P

I think i need to but shorts for camp. I don't like shorts LOL Theyre so.. restricting haha. I also wanna go shopping. Not to get anything in specific but just to go shopping woo! :D

I'm pretty sure i have a lot more to say, but i'm tired and hungry. I will exercise later :) Every day! :D Just like old timesss LOL before i got lazy and fat :(

Laterrssss ♥


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 10:16 PM

Bad skin + cake face much? Okay, i just don't liek her coz news said she's a bitch LOL

Like, i'm so gonna fail my truong test on Saturday, that's if we even have one.
Coz last week, i ..didn't listen to the sub teacher coz i have a tiny litle crush on him LOL yeah, shut up. I'm a reverse pedo 8D ... at least it makes me look forward to going to tutor. Logs Logs Logs :S

Sooo, today was Remembrance Day and the whole school was in the main quad for the assembly. Everybody sat in the shade LOL. Cept for Nicholas. What a.. [blank, insert own word coz idk what to write] LOL. Why would you even want to sit in the sun. SKIN CANCER! A&DY!(*&Y*~!!! Alvin Chung is a frkn gangster, i swear. He's a cadet 8D
Btw everyone, I read the nutrition table for those lil vanilla TNTs. i'll try not to eat them so much anymore haha. 50 calories each, man! That's like 25 tic tacs! Thomson tried to teach me how to open it but i'm weakling so now hes my tnt-opener person LOL :)

TY Kabir & Lawrence & Vivian for letting me borrow money today :)
Lawrence, i like your hugs. They're goood!
Kabir, buddy, you need to trade those coins for notes.
And Vivian is a party pooper coz she didn't wear the binoculars we made so i couldn't take a photo.
I'll pay you back tomorrow. With interest ;)

And wtf! Am i the only person to have to fill in a new application for a train pass?! TT" Is it coz i lied to the stupid school about where i lived? Eff you, school, eff you. i do NOT want to fill in another application >:( !

Oh yeah, i woke up on a spoon. That's weird.

Also, Happy Birthday Carmen!



Monday, November 09, 2009 @ 9:52 PM

Okay, today was really boring... So to sum my thoughts up:
- I had a vanilla tnt. I like them! :D

- I chucked a sponge at alan. It went in his mouth LOL. He says i have 'deadly accuracy' :D why thank you very much, alan.

- We're watching the Futurama movie atm haha. I'm not really paying attention.

- Tomorrow's Wednesday therefore sport. Woo! BOWLING :D I'm aiming to get over 100 :L

- It's really hot atm. I don't want to get skin cancer.

- 'Sometimes i build walls not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down'
That was someone's pm. I think it's.. really good

Anyway, i have to go do nothing now :)

Seeya guys


Saturday, November 07, 2009 @ 3:00 PM

Gi Kwang is a cutie omgsh.

Thanks asswipe ;)

1. Bed
2. Ironing board
3. Mirror
4. Clothes
5. Hand sanitizer LOL
6. Photo of a giraffe
7. Painting

1. Do You Like Anyone? no.
2. Does Someone Like You? Yeah
3. Last Kiss? Nty
4. Been Lead On? I guess so ..
5. Been Cheated On? Mega, but in a friend-friend way :@
6. Want A Relationship? Not really, dunno.
7. Wanna Get Married? YES :D

1. Family
2. Friends
3. Internet
4. My Life Is Average
5. Randoms that talk to me
6. Phone
7. Air

1. What to do, what to do
2. Why did i wake up so early today?
3. Why am i still on computer?!
4. He's cute :#
5. I'm scared :(
6. Scrubsss! ♥
7. Oh my gosh... HOLY FUCK SOMETHINGS WRONG :'( fuckfuckfuck :'( :'(

1. Believe In God? Yes
2. Had A Dream Come True? What dreams. I get nightmares :(
3. Read The Newspaper? Yeah, i actually do LOL
4. Get Enough Sleep Everyday? Nah, make up for it on weekends/afternoons though
5. Have A Best Friend? Yeppp. Heyyy buddy :L
6. Take A Bath Daily? Shower boi LOL ;D
7. Wish On Stars? No

1. Fallen In Love? Nah
2. Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex? ..No :D
3. Hooked Up With Someone Who Had A BF/GF? No
4. Been To A Bonfire? YES HAHAHA
5. Ran Away From Home? Almostt ><
6. Played Strip Poker? Idk how to play poker..
7. Pulled An All Nighter? A few timess


Man, this sucks. Kinda.. funny story but kinda scary/gross/idk :S We'll laugh about it laterrr. He's going to the ER! How.. exciting.. Oh well, he's tank, he can take it :)

Ahem. Okay, back. I'll finish that off now LOL :)

1. Cried? Noooo :D
2. Had Fun? Yep
3. Been Kissed? Nope.
4. Felt Stupid? Nups
5. Talked To An Ex? What ex
6. Missed Someone? no.
7. Listened To Music? Yess

1. Are You Currently Mad At Someone? Yes.
2. Which Of Your family Members Has The Worst temper? Probably me..
3. Have You Ever Thrown Something At Anyone? Shoe > Alan :D
4. Does Your Face Turn Red When You’re Angry? I think so LOL
5. When You’re Mad Do You Prefer To Stare Angrily Or Yell? STARE >:D

1. Has Anyone Ever Thrown A Surprise Party For You? No
2. Are You Easily Excited? YES LOL
3. What Event Is Coming Up That You Are Looking Forward To? PARTY!!!! WOO! WOO! WOO! and and christmas :D :D :D :D
4. If You Won A Million Dollars, What Will Be Your First Thought? I don't know. Michael Jackson still isn't dead to me LOL.
5. What Would Make You The Happiest Right Now? PEACE! .. :D

1. Full Name: Grace Le. Grace Huong Duyen Le ? LOL whatever you want.
2. Birthday: 20th June, 1995
3. What’s Your Main Goal In Life? Be happy. It's not working though :(
4. Do You Want To Have Children? I want an army
5. How Do You Want To Die? Err, like.. in a bed with family standing around and w/e .. then i die :D LOL

1. When Is The Last Time You Cried? Thursday night
2. What Is The Saddest Thing That Is Happening Right Now? ..RIGHT NOW? well, i'm scared i'll get an infection. that's sad.. kinda? LOLL
3. Do You Usually Cry/Get Depressed When Something Doesn’t Happen Your Way? Yes. Seems to happen a lot more lately.
4. Has Anyone Made You Cry In The Last 24 Hours? Nooo :)
5. When You Are Sad, What Do You Do? I.. talk to my friends.. and smash things. I sit there and cry. Cry myself to sleep LOL

1. Do You Have A Crush On One Of Your Friends? no! ;)
2. Do You Believe At Love At First Sight? I guess so..
3. When You See Your Crush, Do You Act Differently Around Him/Her? Probably
4. Do You Have A Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Nopeee
5. Do You Believe Everyone Has A Soulmate? Yeah, yeah i do.



@ 4:07 AM

okay, like.. i'm fully bored LOL

Today was Tara's party. Happy birthday, Wolverine! ;D
Damn them mozzies. Killed me. I hung out with the asian people LOL it was pretty fun. We ended up watching B2ST and the single ladies dance haha ^^

Yeahh.. things have been pretty messed up for me lately but today made everything a lot better :) The sub we had for tutor was so cool. It was monday class' old teacher haha. I couldnt take him seriously coz of his 2 tattoos.. of Freddo LOLLLLL ♥ .. He knows my name ^^ .. Okay, anyway..

SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOU. Don't smoke :) okay? LOL. Yeah, just saying that coz this guy was smoking and he was only 16 and.. nerdy looking, not gangster type LOL. I thought that was weird. Yeah, don't smoke :)

Why do some people think i look 16/17?
I'm 14, man.

Nighty night, go to sleep.
